Please check with local authorities the current requirements for travelling following the Covid-19 pandemic. We suggest you travel with valid Covid Certificates.
Nkwichi is situated in a malaria area so please ensure you take the necessary precautions in terms of prophylaxis and insect repellants.
We have no issues with bilharzia along our stretch of lakeshore.
Nkwichi is not in a yellow fever area but you will need a yellow fever vaccination card if you are passing through Malawi from a yellow fever zone or if you are going into Tanzania at some point in your journey.
The African sun surprises many international travellers with its intensity, so please ensure you pack the appropriate sun protection.
As Nkwichi is in a very remote location it is imperative that you are covered by good travel insurance in case anything were to happen which requires medical evacuation.

Seasons | Getting Here | What To Pack | Visas